PTTA Committee Meeting Minutes 6.00 pm Monday 17th June 2024 at 11 Fulmar Road, Porthcawl
Present: Mary Emment-Lewis, Bobbie Lewis, Rob Lee, Cathryn Hodges, Dave Bush, John Hodges Apologies: Elaine Winstanley
Standing items
- Chair’s welcome
- Apologies - Elaine Winstanley
- Minutes of last meeting and matters arising not covered elsewhere JH read through the draft minutes of the meeting on 12th April 2024 since computer issues had prevented these from being circulated in advance. Re the shield presented to a pupil at Porthcawl comprehensive school - agreed to contact Gael to try to trace. DB reported that the membership list was now up to date. Mention in a newsletter that subscriptions are due on 1st July is needed DB has been in contact with friends in SSSL, and suggested that perhaps an informal group could be set up to maintain links, but received a response, which he read and translated for the benefit of the meeting, the essence of which is that there is too much animosity between certain people in SSSL to attempt this. RL is visiting France in August/September 2024, calling in at SSSL, and is happy to take a small gift from MEL
- Treasurer’s report CH has now achieved a change of treasurer and address in the bank’s records, so now hopes to move on to internet banking. Statements received show a balance on the reserve a/c of £849.16 and in the current a/c £1578.55, though the cost of the buffet and drinks at the AGM (£433) has yet to appear, so total funds are c.£2000.
- Further steps taken and to be taken to seek a ‘Twin’ JH reported that the letter to Fouesnant has now gone both by post and e-mail. CH shared the details posted by Fouesnant on the website, and the committee agreed the details to be included for Porthcawl when we advertise our seeking a twin. We are not limiting our search to France and will include Belgium and the Netherlands, Germany and Austria.
- Future events BBQ at 11 Fulmar Road at 3.00pm on 17th August. £5 per head towards food, bring own drinks Atlantic hotel is booked for 6th December for Christmas meal. We’d like an event in between perhaps October. Need a speaker or activity - all to consider. Perhaps someone from the museum, about Porthcawl, or David Carrington re history of Kenfig.
- AOB - Secretary is requested to prepare a one page newsletter asap, since EW is unable to do anything until July.
Meeting closed 18.40