PSSTTA Committee Meeting 6.30pm 24th January 2022

Present: Mary Emment-Lewis, Robert Lewis, Rob Lee, Janet Hanbury, John Hodges, Elaine Winstanley

Apologies: Cathryn Hodges, Dave Bush


  1. Future - The committee discussed the letter from Mayor of SSSL to the Mayor of Porthcawl Town Council. He had clearly only learned of the cessation of the SSSL association after the event, and was making no offer of assistance. No-one felt that we should close the association. It was agreed to maintain website for another year. There will be no formal organised visit to SSSL this year but it is suggested that each member/family who has links with French hosts contact our own hosts, if interested in going over, to talk dates and arrangements, whether staying locally in hotels or with hosts.  RL suggested, and it was agreed that MEL will contact the French embassy in London to  ask whether there are small towns c 20k in size, which may wish to twin informally, with a possible charter to follow if the Town Council wishes. Recognise that coronavirus restrictions over the past two years have made things difficult and we ourselves were struggling to form a committee a few years ago, so we are not insensitive the  the French association’s problems. We will keep lines of communication open with Bernard, maybe Joel. MEL will contact Alana Davies – one of original founders.
  2. Fish and Chips February – After discussion we resolved to hold a Fish and Chip supper at Finnegans, Well Street  on 16th February 2022 at 7.00pm ACTION: Chair to organise. Members will be asked to confirm by 11th February. Raffle – prizes from members would be welcome. Dave Bush to be asked to arrange a quiz since these are always appreciated
  3. Pencoed Twinning Association. Pencoed have invited us to their events, and attended ours, with some people having joined PSSTTA. We agreed to invite them to all events we organise, including the Fish & Chip supper above. We mused whether we might we enter into a closer arrangement with them, and be involved with their exchange? ACTION – Chair to speak to Pencoed.
  4. Queen’s platinum jubilee.  Should we do something to mark it? Decision – encourage members to support other organised events rather than running our own small event.
  5. Since the visit to Nantes is not expected to take place this year, we agreed to ask about interest in some events closer to home. For example, a coach trip to Les Miserables on 7th January 2023 at Millenium Centre, £89pp, coach from Pyle. There are also trips to Brecon and a cruise along the canal, with cream tea, in May, July, August and September 2022, £33/35pp. We’ll seek members’ interest.
  6. AOUB – nothing raised.

Meeting closed at 19.30