Minutes 2nd July 2020
Summary of PSSTTA Committee meeting held via ZOOM on Thursday 2nd July 2020.
Present: ME-L, BL, EW, RL, AL, CH, DB (by phone).
- Chairman’s welcome; ME-L thanked RL for organising the meeting via ZOOM.
- Correspondence: ME-L has been corresponding with BS in SSSL. To discuss in point 6.
- Treasurer’s Report: BL reported that Andrew Singer had kindly completed the review of our annual accounts. The balance sheet shows a net loss of £973. Our bank accounts show £831 in our D/A and £2623 in our C/A. The quote for annual insurance for liability is £84 and it was agreed that we would pay this.
- Membership Report: DB reported by phone due to technical difficulties. He reported that we currently have 79 memberships. Subs are now due and AL to send out an email prepared by DB to remind members. Several members have paid already.
- AGM: AL to send notice of AGM to take place via ZOOM on Friday 24th July 2020 @ 7.00pm. CH to set up ZOOM link and forward to AL. Members to put any queries forward before the meeting. Minutes from last year’s AGM and Agenda and accounts/balance sheet for this year’s AGM to be sent via email.
- Visit to SSSL: ME-L confirmed that the visit has been postponed until next year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. No precise dates due to the current situation. It was suggested that those who have already booked flights ask for a credit note which they would be able to use next year.
- AOB: DB stressed he would like links with Porthcawl Comp re-established with the possibility of pupils visiting SSSL at some point. AL to send Gaelle’s email address to CH so that contact can be made. ME-L suggested that we prepare a newsletter. EW to prepare this which will be sent out electronically in an A4 format with a few hard copies delivered. She requested any photos of the fish and chip supper in February. AL to prepare a wordsearch for children and a recipe. RL to send out invoices to corporate members requesting subs. AL to invite new Mayor to AGM Zoom meeting.