Minutes 4th May 2022
PSSTTA Committee Meeting 6.30pm 4th May 2022
Held @ Shoreline, Fulmar Road
Present: MEL, BL, DL, Janet H, CH, John H, DB, EW
Apologies: None
Welcome – Chair.
The committee discussed the circumstances in which SSSL had ceased active twinning activities. MEL reported a conversation with a SSSL resident, who told her that it was the Mayor Laurent who had closed down all of the twining, and they were unable to do anything since funding came from the council. It was also mentioned that the Mayor wished to twin with younger people than those currently involved. An internet search indicated that SSSLS’s German twinning was still active on 17th April.
The formal Twinning link will continue, plus the roads named in each town, etc. At present this is a cessation, not a termination.
The Chair reported on her contacts with other French towns.
Morlaix – nothing heard, save for the possibility that animosity re Brexit was an influence.
Antibes – nothing heard
There is a possible contact in the Dordogne, Eynesse.
Options to put to membership at the AGM:-
- Seek an alternative town with whom to associate. If so, in France first, then wider? If chosen the committee will take this forward since, to date, the Chair has taken the lead. This would probably be an association with another town rather than formal twinning, which would be a matter for the Town Council.
- Continue as a Francophile association in case things change, keep under review
- Cease to exist.
The committee were unanimous in recommending option I to the membership.
How will the decision be taken? The constitution states a simple majority, with a quorum of 10 members present, and a casting vote for the Chair?
If the membership were to decide to wind up the association then, in accordance with the constitution, surplus funds would be given to a charity or charities.
The Chair mentioned recent attendance at the Pencoed Fish and Chip supper, with a large number of quizzes. Pencoed have a trip to Poussenez in September, which it may be possible for individual members to join. This will be offered at the AGM
Treasurer – we lost £228 over the year. £3346 in capital. We continue to fund raise via raffles at social events. Is the Twinners Draw is a lot of work for what it raises?
Membership – very difficult situation. No subs collected, save for those paid by standing order. Discussion of whether to invite members who pay by standing order to cancel, to put them on the same basis as those who pay cash? Decision – NO RECOMMENDATION WAS APPROPRIATE UNTIL AFTER THE VOTE ON THE FUTURE OF THE TOWN TWINNING.
Also we won't pursue BUT invite people to continue paying because we hope to revive. However, we won’t pursue corporate members until and unless the future is sorted out.
The website will continue for another year – paid for.
Social Secretary – we wish to put newsletter out, after AGM to tell people what decided. RL suggests a nice garden party – details to follow. Newsletter - look at the past, submit photographs and memories. Should we hold an event to say goodbye to SSSL? No agreement.
No events in school due to lock down. CH has struggled to gain access/contact to/with schools.
Events – limited due to lock down
Bastille BBQ – agreed to hold on 14th July or close date. 16th - Saturday. Afternoon onwards 3.00pm. BBQ and raffle + quiz. Invitation to personal contacts in SSSL. Chair suggests an e-mail to Bernard to invite, despite lack of formal continuation of activities.
Next year’s officers – all willing to stand again, but equally prepared to stand aside for anyone keen to take over. The President will not be known until after the Town Council elections.
Meeting closed at 18.55.