Minutes AGM 26th May 2021
Minutes of the PSSTTA AGM held via Zoom on 26th May 2021 @7.00pm.
Chairman’s introduction: ME-L welcomed members.
Apologies for absence: Anne Rees,
Cathryn Hodges, Sandra Townsend, Norah and Mike Clarke, Paul Winstanley.
Approval of minutes from last AGM: Proposed, Raz Novrizadeh, Seconded, Janet Hanbury.
Matters arising: None.
Chairman’s Report: Available on our website.
Treasurer’s Report:
BL reported that there has been little activity financially this year. He proposed that we just have one bank account instead of two.
BL stated that we currently have £2841.83 in our CA and £831.99 in our DA. Proposed Robert Lee, Seconded Mary Emment-Lewis.
Membership Report:
DB reported that the exact number of memberships was unknown due to the Pandemic. He stated that he would be happy to continue as Membership Secretary as it would be difficult for someone else to take over. He also proposed that subs and standing order payments be carried forward into next year. He stated that he thought that subs should not be increased. Proposed Robert Lee, Seconded, Malcolm Hanbury.
Social Secretary Report:
EW reported that all events have had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. However we have managed to hold several Zoom meetings and she has sent out a Newsletter. She stressed that she would like more input from members for the next one. Proposed Ivor Williams, Seconded Mary Emment-Lewis.
Events and Publicity Report:
PW reported that due to the Pandemic, there has been nothing to report.
Town Twinning Liaison:
Jan H reported that there had been no joint activities this year due to the Pandemic.
School Liaison:
JH, reported on behalf of CH, that there was nothing to report.
Election of Officers:
Chair: Mary Emment-Lewis. Proposed RL, Seconded DB.
Secretary: John Hodges. Proposed AL, Seconded ST.
Treasurer: Bobby Lewis. Proposed RL, Seconded TW.
Membership Secretary: Dave Bush. Proposed AL, Seconded RL.
Social Secretary: Elaine Winstanley. Proposed AL, Seconded RL.
TT Liaision: Janet Hanbury. Proposed AL, Seconded RL.
School Liaison Officer: Catherine Hodges. Proposed AL, Seconded BL.
Appointment of Auditor 2021 /2022: Andrew Singer would be happy to continue.
Confirmation of new Mayor to act as President. ME-L confirmed that Cllr Tracey Hill would be happy to be our President.
Town Council’s nomination for Representative: Cllr Robert Lee has been elected to do this again.
Robert Lee has also agreed to continue as Webmaster.
AOB: It was agreed that all corporate members be included when we next send out a newsletter.
ME-L thanked all Committee members for supporting her during the last year.