Twinning Liaison Officer Report - AGM 2022

Hello, for those who don't already know me my name is Janet Hanbury and I am your Liaison Officer.

Our Liaison is with other Town Twinning Associations and I currently have contacts in three other towns: Bridgend, Cowbridge and Pencoed.

Although we have not had a lot of contact this year with Bridgend and Cowbridge, we have managed to establish a very close relationship with Pencoed Town Twinning. We are invited to their social events and they are invited to ours with the result of us forming a very close bond.

Their Chairperson - Mark Steer - is here this evening along with several other members of Pencoed Twinning Association, and this is because Mark and some of his association have joined Porthcawl Town Twinning, and indeed some members of our association have also joined Pencoed.

This liaison is particularly valuable for us at this time since Pencoed is planning a visit to their twin town of - Plouzane - in Brittany, this September, and we may well be able to join them.

Mark will have more information after Plouzane's Twinning Committee meet at the end of May to discuss this visit.

The information that will come from Mark later can be passed on to all our members, in whatever manner exists at that time.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mark and all the other Pencoed members for their very welcome support, and we hope it continues.

This completes my Report.

Thank you

Janet Hanbury