Porthcawl and San Sebastien Town Twinning Report 2022

Over the last year, we have been able to start meeting again and we have had a number of events including a Coffee morning, a Bar B Que and a Christmas meal. It has been great to see everyone again and we hope to have more events over the coming year.

We had also published a newsletter which has been a great way to keep in touch with everyone while we were restricted from gathering together. Our next newsletter will be a retrospective of memories now that the official link with San Sebastien sur Loire has ended, but we have many memories and even more importantly, have made many friends over the years. If you have any photographs or memories you would like to contribute can you please send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject of the email Town Twinning newsletter.

We will be holding a Bar B Que to celebrate Bastille Day in July and it would be lovely to see you then. Both the Europhile and the social side of our Association continues to be very important to the well-being of members, as we seek a new town to twin with. We will continue to be an outward looking Association learning more about Europe and its languages including our own, thanks to Dave Bush’s wonderful quizzes.

I am sorry I cannot be with you today but hope to see you all at our next event.

Cllr. Elaine Winstanley