PSSTTA Annual General Meeting

6.30pm 18th May 2022

Hi-Tide, Porthcawl



  1. Introduction and welcome – Mary Emment-Lewis welcomed 21 members to the AGM. One minutes’ silence was observed in memory of Janet Anderson, a long-standing member of the association.
  2. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cathryn Hodges, Rob Chick, Elaine Winstanley, and Jenny and Dave Worthington
  3. Approval of Minutes of 2021 – Proposed - Rob Lee, Seconded Richard Rowe, passed unanimously.
  4. Matters arising - none
  5. Chair’s report – attached, was received and noted by the meeting. Proposed – John Hodges, Seconded Richard Rowe, passed unanimously.
  6. Treasurer’s report – copies of the accounts were distributed at the meeting. The treasurer reported a slight loss for the year, with coronavirus restrictions having impacted upon our fund-raising activities. The accounts have been audited, with the sole comment relating to an intention to combine two accounts which had not in fact taken place. Interest earned for the year was 12p. Rob Lee commented that subscriptions were low. We’ve lost a number of corporate members, who felt it not worth renewing, given the lack of activity. Adoption of the accounts was proposed by Malcom Hanbury, Seconded Ann Lee. Passed unanimously.
  7. Membership report – Dave Bush reported that the current situation is complicated. No schools have paid a subscription this year, but we haven’t visited any due to lockdown. Only three corporate sponsors were approached, two of whom have renewed their subscriptions – The Grove golf club and the Seabank hotel. 22 members pay subs by standing order – names read out and these will go through on 1st July, depending upon the decision this evening on the future of the association. Three people who pay by cash have done so. Others have offered to pay, but he declined to accept payment pending tonight’s decision. Alternatives are of continue to collect, advise members to end payments, or suspend, pending developments. Decision to be taken after item 13. A question was asked about payment in cash having been offered by a Pencoed member, which Bobby Lewis as Treasurer had accepted. John Berry noted that his name had been omitted from the list of those who paid by standing order, and the Treasurer confirmed that he had done so. It was proposed that the report be received. Proposed – Bobby Lewis, Seconded – Richard Rowe. Passed unanimously
  8. Social Secretary report. Elaine Winstanley had sent in her written report which was read to the meeting (attached.) It was proposed that the report be received. Proposed – John Berry, Seconded – Bobby Lewis. Passed unanimously
  9. Events and Publicity report. There was no report.

10. Town Twinning liaison. Janet Hanbury read her report (attached.) There were no questions. It was proposed that the report be received. Proposed – Rob Lee, Seconded Robin Ralph. Passed unanimously.

11. School liaison. John Hodges spoke in place of Cathryn who is absent through injury. Lockdown has meant that it has not been possible to visit schools this year, so the competitions have not run. If the association votes to continue, renewed approaches will be made to the schools. Receipt of the report was proposed by, Janet Hanbury Seconded Dave Bush. Passed unanimously.

12. Election of Officers

  1. Chair. The secretary took the chair for this item. Mary Emment-Lewis is willing to serve again. There had been no other nominations received, and none were forthcoming at the meeting. Elected unanimously. Mary resumed chairing the meeting.
  2. Secretary. John Hodges was prepared to continue. No other nominations were received. Elected unanimously.
  3. Treasurer. Bobby Lewis was prepared to continue. No other nominations were received. Elected unanimously.
  4. Membership Secretary. Dave Bush was prepared to continue. No other nominations were received. Elected unanimously.
  5. Social Secretary. Elaine Winstanley was prepared to continue. No other nominations were received. Elected unanimously.
  6. TT liaison. Janet Hanbury was prepared to continue. No other nominations were received. Elected unanimously.
  7. School liaison. Cathryn Hodges was prepared to continue. No other nominations were received. Elected unanimously.
  8. Appointment of Auditor. Andrew Singer was prepared to continue as auditor. No other nominations were received. Elected unanimously.
  9. President. This will be the new Mayor of Porthcawl Town Council, who will be formally elected tomorrow, and to whom the secretary will then write.
  10. Town Council representative – will be formally chosen tomorrow by the Town Council and notified to us

13.  Extraordinary item – the future.

The Chair read a short-prepared speech (attached) to open the item, and the secretary read out the translation of the letter from the Mayor of SSSL to Porthcawl Town Council. There was a lively debate with contributions from many members present, covering the following areas:

  • A strong feeling among many members that they were not prepared to accept that the link with SSSL was finished. Links with individual friends in France continue strong
  • We have received conflicting reports of why the SSSL association chose to cease activity, and conjectured about reasons. Since we cannot establish this conclusively, it is more productive to look to the future.
  • Should the future involve twinning with another town, this would be a matter for the Town Council. Porthcawl continues to be twinned with SSSL – it is merely activity that has ceased, so no change of name of the association is appropriate at this stage, nor could it take place since it would amount to a change in the constitution for which 28 days’ notice would be required. Similarly, should the association’s link with SSSL cease, and/or a link be formed with another town that will be the time to consider the name?

The Chair asked members whether anyone wished to hold a formal vote upon winding up the association. No-one wished to do so, so that option was dismissed, leaving the options of: -

  • Continue to try to restore active links with SSSL for a year.
  • Continue to try to restore links to SSSL for a year but, at the same time, seek another town with whom to twin/be associated in case links with SSSL cannot be restored.
  • Accept the loss of links with SSSL, and seek an alternative town

The meeting decided unanimously that we should continue to try to restore links to SSSL for a year but, at the same time, seek another town with whom to twin/be associated in case links with SSSL cannot be restored.

Suggestions are welcome from all, and the meeting wishes to look for another town in France in the first event, rather than wider afield. In consequence, we shall collect subscriptions again from 1st July 2022.

Meeting closed at 19.35